Hi all,
No you are not in the wrong website, as you can probably see you, have just entered our new website layout. I thought I would give our site a little bit of an uplift, using the black and white theme through HausOfAlex.org designs.
The layout is pretty revamped and proffesional than the old layout, with some added features which makes my job that little bit easier to manage, as for the user (yourself) it makes browsing a whole lot simpler and cleaner …well I hope it does. Anyway, browse around and familarize yourself with what DOGG can offer and do.Closing i would like to strongly thank Alex for making this amazing layout and making DOGG team more strong and not heartless,my friend Harry who was the creator of the proper logo for post images ,Jesse for being so helpful with the ‘Born This Way’ book that will be given to Lady Gaga herself and last Lady GaGa that is the only cause that DOGG its still alive and online.
Some of the new features added are..
- a nice moving header – located on all pages. You’ll see it located on the top (header) , and it includes the most breaking gagalicious news, all in some hq slides.
- a new comments system – located on every post, making you have the chance to leave your comment straight ahead from facebook or twitter and interact better with other users.
- a ‘fan of the month’ sidebar part – located down on the very bottom right hand corne, at the sidebar. This allows you to choose the co-little monster you want most, to be featured as a Dream Of GaGa fan of the month. Be sure you follow the instructions on that part to vote for your most wanted monster baby..
- web feeds (RSS,Twitter,Facebook) – located on the front of every post. From now on you can share your most impressive post about Lady GaGa powered by Dream Of GaGa,on the two most popular networks.
- great DOGG stuff in banners – located on the right hand through our sidebar. What items?Exclusive Dream Of GaGa interviews with celebrities and more….
Anyway I hope you little monsters like it and take advantage of it’s features..
Thank you for 100,000+ hits on DOGG familia, for 17,000 fans on twitter, 670+ fans on facebook and thank you for making us happy and thirsty for many more dreamy.-DOGG staff
Oh, and please put in a comment in on our new system below, as to what you think of the web site…
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Woww! It's amazing! Great job!