Lady Gaga has unveiled a sensual promotional video for her Viva Glam line with MAC cosmetics. Gaga is seen in the video applying a nude lipstick from her collection while sitting at a mirror surrounded by bedazzled skulls, roses and a fish in a martini glass. The video is elegant with a touch of eeriness to represent her unique style.Gaga is said to donate all money made from the products to the Viva Glam program and the MAC AIDS fund.View the official promo video below:
Lady Gaga’s Promotional Video For MAC Viva Glam Cosmetics
Lady Gaga has unveiled a sensual promotional video for her Viva Glam line with MAC cosmetics. Gaga is seen in the video applying a nude lipstick from her collection while sitting at a mirror surrounded by bedazzled skulls, roses and a fish in a martini glass. The video is elegant with a touch of eeriness to represent her unique style.Gaga is said to donate all money made from the products to the Viva Glam program and the MAC AIDS fund.View the official promo video below:
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