The Dream Of Gaga team finally had the chance to see for first time ever the Born This Way Ball tour which was kicked off in Sofia, Bulgaria on August 14,2012 for Europe straight ahead from inside the monster pit, while it was our second time to see Lady Gaga generally.
So this is our personal review of the very unique show:
Lady Gaga staged a spectacular show Tuesday evening and won the hearts of of the Bulgarian audience plus of some Greek, Turkish and American monsters as well.
She came out on a brown horse singing 'Highway Unicorn'while she was later born by a "monster" in the form of huge inflatable vagina singing her latest hit, 'Born This Way'. Even those who are somewhat prejudiced about Gaga and say she is a bleak copy of Madonna admit the set design, the costumes, the choreography, the dancers and everything else has been amazing and pretty different than Madonna's ones.Gaga passed pop act into a whole another level.
The audience and my team went crazy from the very first minutes until the very end and broke into thundering cheers during hits such as "Bad Romance" and "Judas". In a gesture to Bulgaria, Lady Gaga appeared on stage on a motorbike waiving the country's national flag. She thanked all who purchased tickets for the concert instead of wasting money on outfits like herself.
Gagaloo changed clothes and make-up after every song and her at least dozen of stage incarnations ranged from an obedient nun to a sex tigress with a machine gun. For the performance of her chart-breaker hit "Alejandro" she appeared on an armchair made of fake meat.
The evening ended with an encore and the fans listened to "The Edge of Glory" and "Marry the Night." Mother Monster also picked a girl (huge fan by the way) from the audience, took her on stage, told her the story of her life, sang and danced with her, and sent to everyone the message to always follow their dreams.
Born This Way Ball concert is magic.We can confirm you that there isnt any other show like that and it will never be!Be sure you feel the beat of her show someday.
View some taken by us photos over here-> BORN THIS WAY BALL IN SOFIA,BULGARIA
View some videos below: