During the broadcast of the well known TV show 'Your Face Sounds Familiar' but in Greece, which aired last Sunday 15/5, a Lady Gaga impersonation took place, as the special guest star of the night. The singer who was invited to impersonate Mother Monster, was the singer & songwriter Melina Makris (singer of the very popular Greek band, Vegas). The similarity between Melina & Lady Gaga, is extremely amazing, especially in their face characteristics-the variety of the greek media, mentions.
Melina chose to perform the hit single 'PokerFace', exactly taken from Lady Gaga's performance on American Idol, back in 2009.

Considering this performance, Lady Gaga's manager Bobby Campbell took some time to confirm via dreamofgaga.com, that Lady Gaga has seen the performance of Melina impersonating her. Lady Gaga has made a comment on this, and we exclusively present it to you, here today:
Lady Gaga: ''A big applause, to my monster sis from Greece. She brought some exciting memories from 'The Fame' era. Pretty beautiful voice, and the most excellent job on the disguise. Thanks for reminding me of my self, paws up to all my Greek little monsters, paws up to Melina!''
Below you can check Melina's performance:
& some photos:
Photographer: Nikos Maistrellis