Lady Gaga along with her mother Cynthia launched the anticipated Born This Way Foundation at Harvard University February 29th. The BTW Foundation mission is "to foster a more accepting society, where differences are embraced and individuality is celebrated. The Foundation is dedicated to creating a safe community that helps connect young people with the skills and opportunities they need to build a braver, kinder world."
Oprah who supports the Foundation introduced Gaga, "I believe that every human being that comes to the planet come with the inherent and divine right to be himself or herself" Some of the others that attended the event were Deepak Chopra, the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sabelius, the Harvard Law School professor Charles Ogletree and Alyssa Rodemeyer who Gaga called the "first empowered youth". Lady Gaga sat with Oprah and discussed the Three Pillars of The Born This Way Foundation: 1) SAFETY by creating a safe place to celebrate individuality. + 2) SKILLS by teaching advocacy, promoting civic engagement & encouraging self-expression. + 3) OPPORTUNITY by providing ways to implement solutions and impact local communities. = A BRAVER and KINDER world.
We are so proud of Lady Gaga and Cynthia Germanotta for fighting for youth empowerment and bravery towards a more accepting society. As Lady Gaga said at the event, "If I can make a song like Just Dance big all over the world then i should be able to make a song like Just Be Nice" and "It isn't that hard to change the world; give peace a chance."
Click here to watch the full Born This Way Foundation Launch!